Caring For Flower Arrangements

Caring For Flower Arrangements

Fresh flowers in a home offers a warm, welcoming, and finishing touch to any room. We love them almost everywhere there is a bit of free space. To keep flowers fresh we change the water daily, this will allow your flowers to last several days to a week, regardless of the container.
After the beauty of an arrangement has faded, and the water turns cloudy from the deteriorating stems, we have a few steps that will make the cleanup and disposal of an arrangement a breeze and mess-free.
It’s important to take care when disposing of flowers, especially if they contain pollen, as it can stain clothing and furniture.
The best way to cleanly dispose of flowers is to place a trash bag larger than the arrangement over the entire bunch and vase.
Tighten the bag against the stems as close to the water line as possible. Pull the flowers out of the water, allowing excess water on the stems to drip into the vase.
Turn the bag over tie it closed with a knot, compost if at all possible, or throw it away if composting is not an option, empty and wash the vase. Now you’re ready to create beauty all over again with nature's perfect bunch!

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Soffia has an exceptional work ethic, dedication, and attention to detail. Her communication skills, strong presence, and confidence get it done! She is skilled in marketing and negotiations.